Why Travel when you live in such a great Country?
The reason we decided to start a blog was that so many people that we have talked to over the last 20 years are often astounded to hear of some of our experiences. So, when we think about what we have done and where we have been it often doesn’t seem such a big thing as we have obviously grown more worldly wise as the years have progressed.
Other countries and cultures have always interested us and so when the opportunities came along we grabbed them, starting in1984 when at the age of 32 when at a Jaycees conference, where a presentation for the World Conference in Nagoya Japan in 1986 was given, I said to my wife” we are going to go. Not much money in the Bank and a new roof needed for the house, we put the roof on hold, save for 18 months and went. It was such a mid-blowing experience for two people from a small rural town of 2000people in Southland NZ to land in Tokyo, a city of 12 Million people.
It opened our eyes and our minds to what else the world had to offer and what perspective New Zealand was in the world. We met so many great people from all over the World and realised that when it comes down to it, we all have the same hopes and dreams no matter what Nationality we are.
I won’t write any more yet but will add little bits about what we have seen and done since that time at a later time.
I would welcome any feedback or questions at any time.